Thank you for registering on the LCCTA Website. By filling out this form, you are currently registering to become a pending member of LCCTA. Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email immediately explaining how to purchase your membership online and join LCCTA. Once you accept the terms of use and create a username and password, (you will need to re-enter that username and password to access the members features of the web site), you will be prompted to make a membership payment. Please choose the membership type (Youth, Adult) and complete the payment process. You will then be able to access the members only features of this web site. You must be a be a paid member to use the online system.
To register simply:
Fill out the 3 required fields on the left.
Accept the terms of use to protect your privacy.
Fill out as much or as little additional information as you want.
...What membership benefits will you receive?
Web-based notices about upcoming programs and events Members may pay/renew their membership and create a personal login.
Email in use
The email you used is already in use on this site.