Florida Junior Tennis Program

Lee County Parks and Recreation USTA USTA Florida


Youth Clinic Schedule 

Go to Calendar to see programs color-coded by park.


The Florida Junior Tennis Program serves players who are 18 and under. It includes lessons, clinics, leagues and tournaments. Click here to see the lessons and clinics fee schedule effective 1/1/22.
10 and Under Tennis ..10 and Under Tennis - NET GENERATION
10 and Under Tennis follows the same logic as other youth sports like baseball or soccer, which use kid-sized courts and kid-sized equipment. Kids learn to play baseball by first playing T-ball; they use shorter, lighter bats and larger, softer balls. Kids learning basketball shoot baskets with kid-sized balls on lowered backboards and they play soccer on smaller fields with smaller goals. Now with 10 and Under Tennis, balls bounce lower, don't move as fast through the air and are easier to hit. Racquets are sized for small hands and courts are smaller and easier to cover. By using this format, the benefits are immediate and within a short time kids are rallying, playing, and excited to keep playing. That means kids will have more fun and less frustration. They're playing real tennis and having real fun—and that’s what is most important.
Parents may get more information on 10 and Under Tennis by clicking on the USTA link:
Net Generation
Junior players who can verify an economic need may apply for scholarship support. Click here for link to pdf application form.
..MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM: (Typical age range 11-13)
  The Middle School Intramural coaches begins selecting players in the spring and players wishing to compete for the team are encouraged to begin preparation in the fall of the year. Participating in clinics provides good opportunities to improve skills in preparation for team selection at school.
...HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: (Typical age range 14-18)
  The High School Varsity coaches begin selecting players in the spring and players wishing to compete for the team are encouraged to begin preparation in the fall of the year. Participating in clinics provides good opportunities to improve skills in preparation for team selection at school.
Junior Tennis Lessons and Clinics in Lee County, Florida